Tuesday, November 22, 2011

ART and copy..

1 What are 5 things you learned from the film?
 That advertisements are made from an idea, the best ones are made by thinking of something different than anyone has ever thought of.

2. How did advertisments help Tommy Helfieger?
          It helped get his name out, and make him very popular.

3. How much does it cost to put a 30 second ad in the superbowl? Why do you think it costs this much?

200,000 dollars. Triple the amount today.

4.How is adevrtisment like art? How is it like polution?

You can make it into an shape, or idea you want. It is your canvas and your mind is the paintbrush. An ad is seen by many people across the world, an ad teaches you something or tells you something. You are changed when you see an ad.
5. What kind of impact did the 'Just do it' have for Nike. Why was it so succesful?

It showed people that you can do anything no excuses. It is just plain and simple that you can do anything. It showed people that they had power.

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